sexual wellness

P-Long®: Natural Penile Enlargement Treatment

At Re-Gen & Aesthetics Concierge of Texas,  we understand the importance of men’s sexual wellness, and provide natural and comprenhensive solutions. Our range of advanced treatments, including P-Long®, is designed to address various concerns and improve overall sexual satisfaction.

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Non-surgical treatment for men who want to improve the length and girth of their manhood.

What is P-Long®?


P-Long® is the first and only clinically proven protocol to naturally increase the size of your manhood without surgery, cosmetic fillers, or the risk of negative side effects.

The P-Long® Protocol is a combination therapy created by board-certified urologist, Dr. Judson Brandeis. The protocol itself utilizes:

  • Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
  • AFFIRM Nitric Oxide Booster
  • RestoreX Traction Device
  • Dr. Joel Kaplan Vacuum Device
Based on the six-month results of the P-Long Study, healthy men gained almost a full inch of erect penile length (on average) and almost half an inch in girth. Results will vary based on a
number of factors.


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How does P-Long® How does P-Long®

Watch the video below to learn how the P-Long Protocol works.

Procedure Overview 

What are the main benefits of P-Long®?

  • Increased penile length and girth
  • Improved overall penile functionality
  • Totally safe procedure, without any side effects
  • Longer results than other treatments

Who is a suitable candidate for P-Long®?

P-Long® is a safe and effective option for most men considering penile enlargement with the exception of men who have previously undergone penile augmentation surgery.

To find out if you’re a P-Long® candidate, book a consultation now to address any questions or concerns you may have.

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P-Long® Clinical Data:

The P-Long Protocol is backed by clinical data under the P-Long Study; the institutional review board-approved study listed by and presented at the international society of sexual medicine.

The study consisted of 32 healthy men who followed a combination therapy I created, which utilizes:

  • Dr. Joel Kaplan’s Vacuum Device
  • The RestoreX Traction Device
  • AFFIRM Nitric Oxide Boosting Supplements
  • Platelet Rich Plasma
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See P-Long® Scientific Proven Results:

P-Long is proven to increase not only penile length, but also penile girth. As it can be seen in the images below, notable results can be seen by the 6th month of treatment, where penile length increased about 15%, while penile girth increased around 10%.

Read more about the P-Long Study here.


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P-Long® Pricing at Re-Gen & Aesthetics Concierge of Texas

Series of 6 P shots (one month apart): $5900

Series of 6 P shots with exosomes (one month apart): $7900

(Affirm N.O. booster, traction device, and vacuum pump purchased separately, from P-Long site)


Ready To Book An Appointment?

Ready to schedule your Initial Consultation with our Nurse Practitioners? Click on the link below!

P-Long® Frequently Asked Questions

This section will answer common questions about the previously described procedures, providing valuable information to help you make an informed decision. Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

What is P-Long®?

P-Long® is the first and only clinically proven protocol to naturally increase the size of your manhood without surgery, cosmetic fillers, or the risk of negative side effects. 

How does this treatment work?

P-Long Protocol is a minimally invasive technique proven to grow a man’s manhood in both length and girth using a combination of:

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma
  • Dr. Joel Kaplan’s Vacuum Device
  • The RestoreX Traction Device
  • AFFIRM Nitric Oxide Boosting Supplements
What are the potential benefits of the P-Long® treatment?

P-Long® will improve both the lenght and girth of your manhood, without any surgical procedure. Also, it will enhance your overall erectile function after completing the treatment.

How much will my penis increase in size after P-Long®?

P-Long® is clinically proven to naturally increase the length of men’s manhood by an average of almost 1″ and girth by half a 1″.

Am I a good candidate for P-Long®?

P-Long® is a safe and effective option for most men considering penile enlargement with the exception of men who have previously undergone penile augmentation surgery. 

To find out if you’re a suitable P-Long® candidate, book a consultation now and our team will address any question or concern you may have.

Does P-Long® have any side effects?

None of the P-Long participants experienced negative side-effects or complications after receiving treatment. That being said, treatments for men wellness are considered safe as long as they are performed by a qualified medical practitioner. At Regen & Aesthetics Concierge of Texas, the team of practitioners has the necessary expertise with P-Long, and will take extreme care at every step ot each treatment to prioritize your safety and deliver the best possible outcome.


Ready To Book An Appointment?

Ready to schedule your Initial Consultation with our Nurse Practitioners? Click on the link below!