Men’s Sexual Health Membership

Unleash Your Best Performance: Boost Confidence & Vitality

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Gold Membership

  • Quarterly 100 Units Bocox/Scrotox/HoleTox
    Relax muscles, enhance blood flow, and increase sensitivity with Botox treatments customized to improve your sexual experience. ($900 value per quarter)
  • Monthly Sexual Health  Focused Shockwave Therapy (LIESWT)
    Proven to increase blood flow and promote tissue repair, this treatment enhances erection quality and boosts sexual stamina over time. ($1,600 value per month)

$17,600 Annual Value – SAVE $12,812
JUST $399/m
*money-back guarantee

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Platinum Membership

  • Quarterly P-Shot®
    Enhance penile cellular regeneration and vascular health to improve performance and sensitivity. ($1,900 value per quarter)
  • Quarterly 100 Units Bocox/Scrotox/HoleTox
    Relax muscles, improve blood flow, and increase sensitivity with targeted Botox treatments. ($900 value per quarter)
  • Monthly Sexual Health Focused Shockwave Therapy (LIESWT)
    Boost blood flow and promote tissue repair to enhance erection quality and stamina. ($1,600 value per month)

$17,600 Annual Value – SAVE $12,812
JUST $399/m
*money-back guarantee

Men’s sexual health recommended prescriptions and supplements

    • RX: Tadalafil 5mg once daily: improves blood flow to the penis, prevents cavernosal smooth muscle atrophy, improves global cardiovascular health by improving endothelial function; also effective for treating PreE 
    • BODY: SupporT (Ashwaganda, Tongat Ali, DIM, Zinc, Magnesium, DHEA) + Affirm Performance (L Citrulline, Muira Puama, Red Beet Root, Asian Ginseng): increases bio-availability and action of Testosterone, increases physical and sexual performance: take 1 of each per day
    • BRAIN: Zero In: enhances focus, energy,mood and cognitive function 
    • GUT: BioFilm ProBalance: gut health essential for hormone metabolism and effectiveness (take 2 per day)
    • CARDIOVASCULAR: Olprima DHA/EPA: essential for cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, and supporting hormone synthesis
    • Member cost: approx $5 per day for Rx and supplements

    Additional Recommendations: 

    • Pump at home 10 minutes per day for optimal erectile function (the “gym” for your penis)
    • Aerobic exercise 30 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week
    • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption