Sexual Wellness

Enhance sexual function & satisfaction with the O-Shot®

O-Shot®, short for Orgasm Shot® or Orchid Shot®, is a non-surgical aesthetic treatment designed to enhance sexual function and satisfaction in women. 

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O-Shot®, short for Orgasm Shot® or Orchid Shot®,  involves the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), derived from the patient’s own blood, to stimulate tissue rejuvenation and improve various aspects of sexual health.

The O-Shot® enhances women’s sexual health by increasing sensitivity, lubrication, and orgasmic function. It stimulates tissue regeneration, leading to improved blood flow and vaginal health. Benefits include enhanced sexual pleasure, reduced pain during intercourse, and relief from urinary incontinence. This non-surgical procedure promotes overall sexual wellness and rejuvenation.  

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Learn more about the O-Shot® with Nurse Practitioner Natalie Ray

 This treatment is provided by Natalie APRN, CRNA-BC licensed provider with the Cellular Medicine Association.

O-Shot® Pricing


The O-Shot treatment with PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) is a procedure for women that involves injecting PRF into the vaginal and clitoral areas to enhance sexual function, improve sensitivity, and promote tissue regeneration and healing.

O-Shot®+ Wing Lift

The O-Shot combined with the Wing Lift is a dual procedure for women that uses PRF injections to enhance sexual function and sensitivity, while the Wing Lift tightens and rejuvenates the labia for both aesthetic and functional benefits.

What is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® procedure utilizes the growth factors in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood flow to the genital area. This can enhance sensitivity, arousal, and orgasmic response.

The patient is deemed eligible for the O-Shot® and a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm. This blood is then processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) through a centrifugation process.

The collected blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and growth factors from other components of the blood. The resulting PRP is a concentrated serum rich in bioactive substances.

It’s important to note that O-Shot® procedures should only be performed by a trained and experienced medical professional. 


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There are several types of O-Shot® procedures used in regenerative medicine. Here are some of the most common ones

Standard O-Shot®

The standard O-Shot® procedure involves the injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from the patient’s own blood into specific areas of the vaginal region. This is typically done to enhance sensitivity, improve sexual arousal, and address concerns such as vaginal dryness.

O-Shot® + Wing Lift

We offer a combination of the  O-Shot® + labial volume rejuvenation to restore not only health and function of the vagina and clitoras, but also a youthful appearance of aging labia.

O-Shot® with other treatments

We offer a combination of the O-Shot® with other treatments, such as acoustic wave therapy (shockwave therapy) that aim to further improve clitoral, vaginal, and urethral health and function.

It’s important to note that Regenerative Aesthetics is an evolving field, and research and clinical practices continue to advance. Patients interested in exploring this approach should consult with qualified medical professionals who specialize in both regenerative medicine and aesthetic procedures to ensure safety and efficacy. Our qualified APRN Natalie Ray is licensed with the Cellular Medicine Association to provide these treatments.


There are several types of O-Shot® procedures used in regenerative medicine. Here are some of the most common ones

O-Shot® for Sexual Health

  • We offer the O-Shot® as part of a broader women’s sexual health program. This includes education and other interventions along with the O-Shot® to address various aspects of sexual well-being.

O-Shot® for Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

The O-Shot® may be utilized as part of care to address changes in vaginal and uretheral health that can occur after childbirth, or with aging. This could include issues related to elasticity and sensation of the urinary tract and vagina.

O-Shot® for for Genital Lichen Sclerosus

The O-Shot® may be utilized as part of care to address changes in vaginal and uretheral health that can occur after childbirth, or with aging. This could include issues related to elasticity and sensation of the urinary tract and vagina.

What are the benefits of the O-Shot®?

Improved Sexual Arousal

  • The O-Shot® improves sexual arousal by promoting blood flow and tissue health in the genital region. This may contribute to a heightened state of arousal during sexual activity.

Enhanced Orgasmic Response

  • Women may experience a more intense and satisfying orgasmic response after undergoing the O-Shot®. The regenerative effects of PRP are thought to contribute to improved muscle and tissue function.

Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive 

  • The O-Shot® is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure that can be combined with volume rejuvenation of the labia to restore a youthful appearance to the labia and genital area. This is appealing to individuals seeking aesthetic and functional improvement without the need for surgery.

    Tighter Vaginal Opening

    • Some women report a tightening effect in the vaginal opening after the O-Shot®, which can contribute to increased sexual satisfaction for both the individual and their partner.

    Improved Lubrication

    • The O-Shot® may lead to improved natural lubrication, addressing concerns related to vaginal dryness. This can enhance comfort during sexual activity.

    Treatment for Stress Urinary Inconsistency (SUI)

    • The O-Shot® has been explored as a potential treatment for stress urinary incontinence, a condition in which physical activity or exertion leads to unintentional leakage of urine.

      Learn More About The O-Shot®

      Science Behind The O-Shot®

      How does the O-Shot® Procedure work?

      Who’s the ideal candidate for the O-Shot® ?

      This procedure is often recommended for women experiencing sexual dysfunction, including difficulties with arousal, lubrication, and orgasm. If a woman is dissatisfied with her sexual experiences or has noticed changes in sexual function, the O-Shot may offer potential benefits.

      Women who may have difficulty achieving orgasm, experience diminished intensity of orgasms and feel a decrease in sexual desire or libido may find the O-Shot beneficial.

      Women who are experiencing vaginal dryness, a common symptom of hormonal changes and also those experiencing urinary incontinence, which may occur during activities such as coughing or exercising, may benefit as well from the O-Shot®.

      Those with conditions such as lichen sclerosus or lichen planus, which can affect the vulvar tissues and cause discomfort would want to get the O-Shot® as suitable treatment.

      Who is not a good candidate for the O-Shot® ?

      Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are generally not ideal candidates for the O-Shot®. The safety of the procedure during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been extensively studied, and it’s advisable to avoid unnecessary interventions during this time.

      Women with active infections, including STIs, may not be suitable candidates for the O-Shot. This is because the injection process involves entering the genital area, and introducing substances into an infected area can potentially lead to complications.

      Those taking anticoagulant medications or blood thinners may not be suitable candidates: these medications can affect blood clotting, and the injection process may pose a risk of bleeding or bruising. This would also affect overall women with known allergies to any components used in the O-Shot, such as those related to blood-derived products or specific additives.

      All of the proper steps followed will optimize the rejuvenation of the O-Shot®.

      O-Shot FAQs

      In this FAQ section, we will answer some common questions about O-Shot® procedures. Whether you’re considering an O-Shot® treatment or just curious about the procedure, this section will provide you with valuable information to help you make an informed decision. 

      Please reach us at [email protected] if you cannot find an answer to your question.

      How does the O-Shot® work?

      The O-Shot® utilizes the growth factors in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood flow to the genital area. This can enhance sensitivity, arousal, and orgasmic response.

      Does the O-Shot® procedure hurt?

      The procedure is typically well-tolerated. Local anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort during the injection process. Most patients report only mild discomfort.

      How long does the O-Shot® Treatment take?

      It usually takes around 30 minutes. This includes the time for preparing the PRP and administering the injections.

      What can I expect after the procedure?


      • You will have some swelling and bruising for up to a week, but typically patients immediately return to their normal routine. 
      • You will need to avoid intense physical activities for a few days after the procedure. This includes activities such as vigorous exercise, heavy lifting, or activities that may strain the treated area.
      • You will need to avoid sexual activity for 24 hours after the  O-Shot®. This allows the injected area to heal without unnecessary stress.
      • Don’t smoke, as smoking can negatively impact circulation and hinder the healing of tissues.  

      How long do the effects of the O-Shot® last?

      • The duration of results can vary, but many women experience benefits for several months. Periodic treatments may be recommended to maintain the effects.